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A little bit goes a long way, and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. These are common sayings that certainly pertain to auto maintenance. For most people, their automobile is likely one of their biggest investments and also one of the things they depend on most. Here are some easy things you can do to extend the life of your vehicle and minimize future repairs.
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You are experiencing a roadside emergency. Maybe there's a problem with your tire or your engine. Or maybe you didn't notice how low on fuel your gas tank was. It happens. Being prepared for a roadside emergency is essential for your safety and the safety of others.

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Like your body, your car is a complex set of systems that need to be cared for, for optimal performance. While cars are lasting longer than ever with fewer issues, that doesn't mean it's time to get lax on maintenance. In fact quite the opposite is true. A consistent and mindful maintenance routine can pay dividends.


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woman on cell phone in front of broken down carRoadside breakdowns can be more than a mere inconvenience, emergencies of this nature, if not prepared for and handled correctly, can be dangerous for all involved, including other drivers. Following a few basic steps can ensure that you and your vehicle make it through the breakdown as easily and safely as possible.

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Nothing can turn a good day into a bad one like a flat tire. However, you may be able to help prevent this with some good, old-fashioned maintenance, precautions and knowledge. That said, here are a few tips you should consider adopting into your routine:Car breakdown

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38741672 - pumping gas at gas station. close up of a hand holding fuel nozzle.You practice safe habits on the road, but do you do the same when you're fueling your vehicle? While static electricity-fueled fires at gas stations do not happen frequently, they do happen, and most often in cool, cold or dry weather. Don't put you or your family at risk. Here's what you need to know to stay safe while filling up.

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10 Tips for Driving in a SnowstormEven if you're used to it, driving on ice and snow can be nerve-wracking even during clear skies. But when a storm rolls in, driving can get extremely scary, as well as dangerous. Whether you live in a climate that gets severe winter weather or are just traveling through one, here are some tips for safer driving in a storm:
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End of the Year Insurance ChecklistAs the end of the year approaches, it's a good time to take inventory, reflect on the past, and make plans for future goals. You might consider your relationships, professional life, health, financial situation, or all of the above. Don't forget to also take stock of your insurance coverage and make necessary adjustments based on things that have changed over the past year. Here are some of the most important areas to consider:
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Your car is made up of a number of different parts, and like any well-oiled machine, every part needs to be in tip-top shape to run smoothly. If one part starts to fail, it could affect how the whole car runs. There are a number of things you should do to help keep your car maintained, but do you know why performing certain regular maintenance checks on your car is important? From monitoring fluid levels to testing brakes, understanding your car's needs can help you identify potential issues.

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Taking snow tires out of the garage and replacing regular or summer tires during the snowy and icy months was once a familiar winter ritual for many people. With all-season tires becoming increasingly common, do drivers still need tires designed specifically to operate in snow?

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We all know that texting behind the wheel can be dangerous. But distracted driving doesn't just happen on a phone. It can happen with a mascara brush in hand. It can happen with a hot cup of coffee. It can happen when your favorite radio station decides to play something from your grandparents' generation.

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Fall ATV SafetyAll Terrain Vehicles, or ATVs, can provide hours of thrilling fall fun. But they can also be extremely dangerous. Over 100,000 people wind up in the emergency room each year due to ATV accidents. Here's what you need to know to be safe on your ATV, and to help prevent injuries to yourself and others:

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Live to Ride: Motorcycle Insurance and SafetyAlthough motorcycle enthusiasts in certain areas of the country are able to ride year round, spring and summer is when most bike owners are finally able to get out there on the open road. Before you take that first ride, make sure that your bike is up to the task and ready to go. Motorcycle maintenance and safety go hand-in-hand, and keeping your bike in great shape will ensure a great ride.

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We all have been there: you're driving down the road on your way home from work and suddenly you hear a big "kerplunk" under your wheel. You didn't see the huge pothole in the middle of your lane, and now it's too late. Is there damage to your car? Will your insurance cover it?

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Driving Safety: Tips & Tricks for Securing CargoIt's summer, which means that millions of Americans will soon start packing their cars to go camping, visit the beach or faraway relatives; or to take part in recreational activities like surfing or biking only to find that there's not enough room for all of their stuff. Fortunately, there are many ways to carry that extra gear or cargo on the roof of your vehicle but it's important that you do it safely. Here's all you need to know about securing your stuff before you hit the road.
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Safe Driving Tips, Part 2: All About FocusWe're all distracted these days. In every moment, there are dozens of things competing for our attention, and well, driving is no exception. Loud music, texting, or an unruly kid in the back seat can threaten to take our focus away from the road just long enough for an accident to happen.

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It takes more than age to make it a classic. A collector car isn't just a way to get around. It's an investment that will continue to appreciate in coming years.

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Safe Driving TipsAccording to the National Safety Council, someone is killed in a car accident every 15 minutes, and many more are injured each day. Car accidents remain a leading cause of death in the U.S. year after year, and yet, reducing our risk on the road isn't something most of us think about once we've passed the exam and joined the ranks of everyday drivers. Here are some basics to review to make sure that you're doing your part to be a responsible driver, and to protect yourself and your community.

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There are a lot of factors that come into play when trying to decide whether you should buy or lease a vehicle: monthly and down payment amounts, tax benefits, your lifestyle and how much you travel. But this decision is made a little easier when it comes to your insurance.

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Preparing Your Car, RV or Boat for WinterWinter hasn't raised its icy head yet, but the calendar never lies and we're inching closer to those shorter days and cooler nights. Now is the time to get ready, starting with how you get around, namely, your car, boat and RV.
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Your car battery might be begging for your attention.

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Out drinking for the evening? It's always best to get a ride home instead of driving yourself after a night out.

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Wildlife & Car CollisionsThe Federal Highway Administration database claims that the total number of reported collisions in the U.S. are around 300,000 per year, with many more going unreported for various reasons. Colliding with an animal is a traumatizing experience for all involved, and it's important that every driver knows what to do when it does. Here are some tips to avoid hitting animals in the first place, and how you should handle it if you do.
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As vehicle owners, it's easy to to focus solely on the mechanics — in other words, the inside parts. Is it running well? When was the last oil change? While a regular maintenance schedule is ideal and recommended, don't neglect the outside. The body needs attention, too!

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It can be a stressful situation if your car breaks down while you're on the road. While regular maintenance to your vehicle can help avoid serious issues, there's no way to guarantee that your car will run as it should at all times. The best way to handle these situations is to be prepared. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you experience car trouble while driving:

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As technology evolves, cellphones continue to be one of the biggest distractions to today's drivers. It is not uncommon to see drivers on their phones talking, texting, streaming music, looking up directions, or even "quickly" surfing the web. This type of distracted behavior endangers not only the driver, but also everyone else on the road.

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You've just spent a sunny afternoon on the golf course with your friends. You're walking towards your car reminiscing about your birdie putt on eleven, when you see it: your windshield. It's completely unsalvageable with cracks spanning the entire width of the glass, and the guilty golf ball still lingering at the scene of the crime. Your head swivels around searching for someone to blame, but your eyes keep coming back to that golf ball staring up at you from the pavement.

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Our cars are full of many innovative technologies designed to help keep us safe and make driving easier. In fact, vehicle technologies are advancing so quickly, one day our vehicles might just drive themselves.

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"My daughter bought her own car and now it's titled in her name. How does that affect my coverage?"

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When winter weather strikes, drivers face out-of-the-ordinary challenges when they get behind the wheel. Snow, slush or icy roads are involved in nearly one in four weather-related vehicle crashes.1 These conditions can make it harder for drivers to see, slow down and stop - all factors that can increase the chances of an accident.

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Most people have an idea of what's covered and not covered under their various insurance policies. But at Rongstad Insurance Services we get a lot of questions about borrowing or loaning a car.

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Protect your investment by keeping your car clean!

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At some point, every driver in Minnesota has to deal with rainy weather. But, many don't know what to do, so they just drive as they normally would.

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Insurance policies are made to be customized for a reason.The business executive has more income and assets to protect from liability claims than the recent college graduate.Families have more people to think about than young single people or an empty nester.And it is worth noting that the single person, the recent college graduate, the business executive and the empty nester can all be the same different times.We all have different pursuits, different incomes, different bank balances at different points in time.The insurance policies that make up your insurance program - your blanket of protection - need to be tweaked from time-to-time so that you are getting the right protection and benefiting from all available discounts.

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Buying a new car is an exciting time — but it can also be stressful. After all, you're trying to get the best deal on price, while also deciding on the make, model and features you need.

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Eric Rongstad

Millions of Americans will embark on a road trip before winter. Whether you are headed across the country or have a much shorter trip in mind, here are some great ways to have a safe and happy getaway:
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There is no shortage of distractions in the modern world. Distracted driving has become a national issue, and many schools and public agencies are scrambling to raise awareness of the problem. The National Safety Council estimates that one in four car accidents involve cell phone use, but many people still believe that talking or texting while driving is harmless. Using electronics while driving is only one of the dangerous habits that have become all too common for today's drivers.
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Eric Rongstad

Do you have a child who is a clutter bug? Chances are, your vehicle tells the story.
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Rongstad Insurance Services